Why join EDJ NICE?
Joining the EDJ family means growing up as a journalist. The EDJ is also a school of life. You practice your job on a daily basis with certified journalists who share their passion with you. Our textbooks are newspapers, radio, TV and news sites! The land, our classrooms. Our professional training courses aim to get you into national and international newsrooms as soon as possible.
Our training
Bachelors of Journalism
Masters of journalism
Notre réseau professionnel
Joining EDJ Nice means ensuring, from the start of your training, access to the biggest media in the world!
Discover the EDJ in video
A recognized school
Recognized in France
This recognition was issued following an audit of the school. It is attested by a decree published in the Official Journal.
Recognized in Europe
To promote the mobility of its students, the EDJ has opted for the ECTS credit system
Recognized by ERASMUS
Students can benefit from scholarships thanks to the ERASMUS + international mobility program
Publish your articles on real media from the start of your training!

Nice, a city on the move
The EDJ is located in the heart of Nice, opposite the Saint Jean d’Angely University campus.

You might as well study in a nice city with the sun, the sea, skiing, sport, carnival, near Monaco, Italy, facing Corsica!
The EDJ is located near a university hub: Saint Jean d’Angely. It brings together around 5,000 students.
Our students therefore have access to the university premises: library, university restaurant, etc.
Satisfaction rate of our students and reviews
1st, 2nd and 3rd year of Bachelor,
all options combined
1st and 2nd years of Master,
all options combined

"Cette école m'a permis de me former concrètement à un métier en trois ans. Je suis content d'avoir fait ce choix."

"Mes années à l'EDJ furent les plus belles de toute ma scolarité. Je pense que je pourrais être armée si je m'arrêtais à mon niveau Bac +3 remis par l'EDJ. J'ai appris les règles fondamentales du journalisme et surtout, j'ai appris les véritables ficèles du métier de façon pratique. Je sais maintenant utiliser les outils nécessaires aux journalistes contemporains : manier une caméra, utiliser un enregistreur audio, monter un son ou une vidéo, écrire un article correctement..."

Je crois pouvoir dire que mon passage à l’EDJ a été une chance et un formidable tremplin pour la suite.

"Des bons professeurs et une bonne ambiance en général. C'est validé"